
Thursday June 28, 2018

MILAN – I spent a good part of the day exploring City Life Milan, a major new real estate development in the heart of Milan. What was most surprising was the generous and well-maintained open space in this otherwise crowded urban environment.

Day 3178 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

City Life, Milan
City Life, Milan
City Life, Milan

On this day three years ago (day 2082 of one photo every day): Fondazione Prada, Milan. Obviously late June is our time to be in Italy in general and Milan in particular.

Fondazione Prada


Wednesday June 27, 2018

VENICE – As noted yesterday I’m here to catch up on the Architecture Biennale. For overnight stay’s in Venice I often treat myself to the Gritti Palace Hotel. This morning at breakfast a guy showed up with a falcon, not something you see every day. It turns out that he works for the hotel and the falcon’s job is keeping seagulls away from the Gritti’s deck.

Day 3177 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Falconer at the Gritti Palace, Venice[/captio

On this date eight years ago (day 255 of one photo every day): Festival Ecuador

[caption id="attachment_24835" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Festival Ecuador

Culture Landscape

Wednesday July 10, 2013

VENICE – I got up early, packed a toothbrush and clean underwear into a backpack and took a train to Venice and checked into the Gritti Palace – an overnight side trip based on tips from Italian friends that the Venice Biennale is a must see this year. Indeed it is. There’s a theme this year: art and obsessive compulsive disorder (my paraphrase). Very cool. I spent the day touring the national exhibits in the Gardini. All images with my Monochrom and 50mm Asph. lens, except the last one which was taken with my iPhone.
Biannale I
Biannale I
Biannale 3
Biannale 3
Biannale 2
Biannale 2
Biannale 4
Biannale 4
Biannale 5
Biannale 5
Biannale 6
Biannale 6

On this day last year: Dinner party. The vintage Venini object in the foreground was subsequently broken when Basil the Norwich Terrier jumped up on the table to scrounge food. The perils of pet ownership.

Dinner Party
Dinner Party

Portrait Street

Sunday January 6, 2013

VENICE CALIFORNIA – We had a shopping and eating day today on Abbot Kinney Boulevard, which is said to be one of the best shopping streets in the world. By whom I don’t know. Perhaps someone who has never been to Paris or Milan. But it really is kind of funky and fun. Images taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summilux lens.
Abbot Kinney Boulevard
Abbot Kinney Boulevard

This with my iPhone and then “percolated”

Brewed in Percolator
Brewed in Percolator

On this day last year: Risotto alla Milanese. Home cooking. Have I mentioned that I’m a foodie?

Risotto alla Milanese
Risotto alla Milanese

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