
Saturday July 20, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Swimming pool. iPhone image.

Day 3565 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day

On this date three years ago (day 2469): Arles France

1 photo every day

Events and holidays

Thursday July 4, 2019 Independence Day

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Here we are at the Fourth of July picnic and the Washington Club beach on Lake Waramaug.

Day 3549 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day
Washington Club beach

On this date eight years ago (day 627 of one photo every day): Funicular Capri.

Day 628 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life

Garden Landscape

Saturday June 29, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Shooting around here with my Leica M10-P.

Day 3544 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day for the rest of my life
Swimming pool
1 photo every day for the rest of my life.

On this date last year (day 3179 of one photo every day): Piazzetta Capri

1 photo every day for the rest of my life
Stranger, Piazzetta Capri


Saturday June 22, 2019


Day 3537 of one photograph every day.


On this date seven years ago (day 980 of one photo every day): Guarda Switzerland Re-edited with the much better tools available today.


Friday June 14, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Shooting at home wide with my iPhone.

Day 3529 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date two years ago (day 2799 of one photo every day): The Boston Fed

Boston Fed


Friday June 7, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – This time of year there’s a transformation here. Foliage in the course of little more than a month has pressed in on us inducing a sense of claustrophobia. A few weeks ago the foliage was sparse and still bearing marks of winter damage. This is full on summer, with a lovely Kousa captured with my Leica M10P.

Day 3522 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date nine years ago (day 235): Citicorp Center. Looking up!

Citicorp Center


Friday May 31, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We’re way out here in the sticks so our design philosophy for our “garden” is that it should rely mainly on native species, and should naturalize, or at least look naturalized. Here’s a path in the front of the house. In tagging this entry I realized that while I tag landscapes “winter”, “spring” and “autumn”, I rarely tag them “summer”, perhaps because I think that summer is the base case, not worth mentioning. Actually that’s not the case, summer is a relatively short, lovely season here, worthy of note. Shot with my Leica M10.

Day 3515 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Shade garden

On this date five years ago (day 1689 of one photo every day): Allum. Similar treatment of a similar subject. That’s what’s happening this time of year.

Perenial boarder

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