Aerial Family and friends

Friday November 23, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I got to fly my drone today – it was too windy yesterday. And of course Oliver is still here! Remember my rule against photographing cute kids . . . . The drone shot is three frames stitched.

Day 3326 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Late fall, Goose’s eye view
Oliver agian

On this date four years ago (day 1865 of one photo every day): Look up

Look up – East 80s Manhattan

Aerial Landscape

Sunday November 4, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I was out with my drone today. There was enough wind that drone navigation was marginal so I kept it close to home.

Day 3307 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date four years ago (1846 of one photo every day): Street, Manhattan

Park Avenue


Sunday October 28, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I shot rocks and trees in the rain today with my Sony a7riii. Here’s where my self-imposed limit to black and white images bites: the images were nuanced and lovely in color, but a jumble in black and white. I’m posting both today to illustrate.

Day 3300 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Rainy day in Warren

On this day seven years ago (day 743 of one photo every day): Subway shot handheld with my Alpa technical camera and Phase One IQ180 digital back.

Subway Columbus Circle


Saturday October 27, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – It’s been raining on weekends here. A lot. So we have images of a rainy day, and my typical struggles trying to find meaning in the Easter deciduous landscape. The weather sealing on the Sony A7riii got a test and passed with flying colors.

Day 3299 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Rainy day in Warren

On this date last year (day 2934 of one photo every day): Coney Island shot with film (!!) in my 1954 Leica M3.

Coney Island shot with film


Friday October 26, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – More work on late Fall here, and our pool renovation.

Day 3298 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Pool renovation Warren CT
Hostas late fall

On this date two years ago (day 2568 of one photo every day): Brittany

Jorg in Brittany


Sunday October 14, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A poor light day here. I flew my new drone again and got a more appealing angle on our pool construction. I’m relearning how to fly this thing.

Day 3286 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Aerial view of our pool, Warren CT.

On this date four years ago (day 1825 of one photo every day): Skyline Drive Virginia

Skyline Drive Virginia

Home Landscape

Friday October 12, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I drove up here to face the aftermath of a serious windstorm. There was a major tree down blocking access on our road, which meant a half mile hike to the house. No big deal.

Day 3284 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Tree down Warren CT

On this date three years ago (day 2188): Citicorp


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