
Sunday January 22, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – It snowed yesterday and last night, for the first time in a long while. I put on my snow shoes and spent a couple of hours out in the fields around our house in poor, overcast light. This with my Alpa TC and 35mm Schneider lens.
Hay bale
Hay bale

On this day last year: Flying SVG, a not-quite-scheduled “airline” operating between Barbados and Mustique.


Garden Home Landscape

Saturday January 21, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Last month I set my Alpa Max up to demonstrate its “tilt” capacity (the ability to tilt the focus plane to increase the appearance of depth of field) and got an somewhat poorly visualized image of our sundial. It’s snowing today (at last) so I set up trying to do a better of seeing and imagining the image:
Sundial redux
Sundial redux

On this day one year ago: a long skinny Third Avenue from my office.

Third Avenue
Third Avenue


Sunday January 8, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – So . . . . still relying on my little bitty Ricoh GRD 4. There was some splendid light this afternoon. This image (and some others) prove that good light trumps poor equipment choice. Three frames stitched.
Good light
Good light

On this day one year ago: winter in Warren. Another tree line, no more than 200 yards from where this year’s image was taken, but with a radically different angle and lens choice, and radically different light.

Warren Connecticut
Warren Connecticut


Wednesday December 28, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I love it when in mostly cloudy weather clear patches illuminate bits of the Connecticut countryside. Here’s an example. It lasted for a few seconds. I was lucky to capture it with my Leica and a 90mm Elmarit lens. One of my best landscapes of the year.
Baby Cloud
Baby Cloud

On this day last year: Blizzard redux.


Garden Landscape Out my window

Monday December 26, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Boxing Day. Curiously I shot the same subject one year ago. This time I selected a different angle and camera, my Alpa Max with a short-mount 120 mm Schneider lens and a tilt adapter. Tilting is a view camera feature that is available for longer Alpa lenses. It permits tilting the lens and thus the focus plane, to either extend or shorten apparent depth of field. Here I have used it to keep the top of the sundial and the wall and the trees in the background in focus. It can be a tedious iterative process to get focus right with this technique; there are rules of thumb that help; there’s also an iPhone app that gives you a very good starting point. What I don’t like about this image is a mental mistake on my part: cutting off the bottom of the sundial.

On this day last year: Sundial.



Sunday December 25, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Christmas Day. I went out with my Alpa TC today to capture some winter landscape.
Northeastern winter landscape
Northeastern winter landscape
Our sign
Our sign

On this day one year ago: Maria scores a Pucci.

Maria and her new Emilio
Maria and her new Emilio


Sunday December 18, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Still sick, but improving. A very warm day for this time of the year. I managed to drag the Alpa and a tripod outside to capture a detail from the house.

On this day one year ago: wedding prep.

Francesca and Maria
Francesca and Maria

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