On this day last year: Our last day in Nairobi.

On this day last year: Our last day in Nairobi.
This with my Alpa TC and a 35mm Schneider.
On this day last year: Hippos. These guys are seriously dangerous, “Killed by a hippo” is the most common bad human-wildlife encounter in Kenya.
On this day last year: Kenya gets intense.
On this day one year ago: Maria and Nancy do a bushwalk.
Later in the morning I went to the town of Warren to experiment with my new 120mm lens, capturing the Warren Congregational Church from a slightly different angle.
On this day last year: The beginning of our safari in East Africa. One year ago things start getting really interesting for the next week or so. The Cliff Notes version of our safari is the top gallery on the right of this site.
On this day one year ago: Ancramdale Presbyterian Church.
On this day one year ago: Riverside Boulevard.