On this day one year ago: Baptismal Iglesia de San Roque
Baptismal Iglesia de San Roque
On this day one year ago: Baptismal Iglesia de San Roque
Baptismal Iglesia de San Roque
On this day one year ago: Friends in Mustique.
The image below proves that dandelions aren’t the only flowers that we have. Nine images focus stacked in Helicon Focus.
On this day one year ago: Maria, one year younger.
On this day one year ago: Walking back from lunch. The restaurant that I mentioned in this post last year closed with no notice under mysterious circumstances. They just put a sign out saying they were closed. They had received excellent reviews and were always packed. The rumor mill suggests that it was something to do with the owner’s divorce or a litigation involving employee tips. Too bad.
This is Lake Waramaug from the Hopkins Inn taken with my Leica M9 and the Bokeh King.
Earlier in the day I caught this with my M9 and a 135mm APO Telyt lens.
On this day last year: Trump Bar.
On this day one year ago: Another pedestrian image. Raises the question of why am I doing this. There are good streaks and bad streaks.
On this day last year: a Tiepolo sunset. For all of my fussing about not doing sunsets one of my favorites from last year.