Garden Landscape

Saturday May 7, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A perfect spring day with perfect light. I got out with my Alpa and the 60 meg back for the morning “magic light” moment.
Pears in bloom
Pears in bloom
Pear in bloom
Pear in bloom

On this day last year: A nice angle on The Church of the Heavenly Rest.

Church of the Heavenly Rest

Garden Landscape

Saturday April 30, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – My birthday. We celebrated with a family dinner at Blue Hill at Stone Barns, but no pictures from there. Earlier in the day I took a long walk in with my Leica M9 and a 24mm Summicron lens.
Warren Spring
Warren Spring

On this day on year ago: 59th Street Bridge.

59th Stree Birdge

Garden Landscape

Monday April 25, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We’re having a vey late spring. My photo from April 24, 2010 shows our pear trees and a bunch of flowering shrubs in bloom. See yesterday’s post. This year we only have forsythia – the earliest of the large flowering shrubs. Here’s a forsythia captured on a rainy Monday morning before I drove back to New York with my Leica M9 and a 24mm Summilux lens.

On this day one year ago: One Rock, at night in the fog.

One Rockefeller Plaza

Garden Home Landscape

Saturday April 9, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I’m getting a little impatient with early spring here – it’s indistinguishable from winter in other parts of the world. Here I’ve taken a picture of a birch and our barns, wonderfully detailed by my Alpa TC, 60 meg Hasselblad back and 36mm Schneider APO digitatar.

On this day one year ago: 94th Street at night.

94th Street


Saturday March 26, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Birches in good light taken on a walk with Basil the Norwich Terrier with my Hasselblad 60 meg back and Alpa TC with a 36mm Schneider APO lens. This combination helps make relatively prosaic landscape look important.

On this day one year ago: Post office building on Third Avenue.

Post office


Sunday March 13, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Looking through my collection of camera gear I noticed an Olympus flash unit that I had bought a year or two ago because it is compatible with my Leica. It’s been pretty much unused because I prefer the available light with the Leica look. The flash unit, it turns out, is fully compatible with my Panasonic GH2 – the through-the-lens metering works perfectly and (unlike the Leica) it is reasonably fast. I ‘m not great at on-camera flash so I decided as an exercise to do some landscape with it. Here’s an example for Warren. The idea was to use the flash to balance the lighting of the tree trunk, which is under large evergreen Euonymus branches and is thus dark, with the house. The lighting in this photograph is actually too balanced to be pleasing. The quality of the images from the GH2 continues to stun me.
Tree up close
Tree up close

On this day last year: Roger Standt’s workshop.

Roger's Shop


Saturday February 12, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Back to shooting digital. Over the next few weeks I’ll be shooting primarily with my Alpa TC and its sensational 36mm Schneider APO lens (translating to 35mm terms the lens is equivalent to a 24mm). I’ve attached my Hasselblad H4D 60 digital back to the camera. This results in a very compact camera with a 60 meg sensor. There are no focus or exposure aids so I carry as laser distometer and a spot meter when I shoot with this camera. The Hasselblad back does not have its own power supply (it’s normally powered by the Hasselblad body), so I also carry an external battery that powers the back through its firewire 800 port. Here are a couple of sample images; one in grayscale and one in color:
Snow drifts
Snow drifts
Clear and cold
Clear and cold

On this day one year ago: An infrared image of the Ferrari dealership on Park Avenue. This has a lot going on in it with the AT&T building in the background. One of my favorite IR images since I’ve started this project.


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