Leica M9 with 90mm Elmarit lens.
On this date one year ago i was shooting in infrared on a dull, rainy day in Oregon: October 23, 2009
Leica M9 with 90mm Elmarit lens.
On this date one year ago i was shooting in infrared on a dull, rainy day in Oregon: October 23, 2009
Cornfield; Leica M9 and 1954 Dual Range Summicron lens.
Fort Hamilton. Same equipment.
On this date one year ago: October 17, 2009
I’ve sworn never to post pictures of pets. Why? I’ve explained this before. Pictures of pets remind me of the millions of pictures in online forums the read something like this: “This is my cat Wallace taken with my Canon Superturbulator 600 mm lens. You can see every whisker!” Lonely guy stuff. Nothing better to take a picture of than the pet cat. Anyway, this is my second exception in almost a year. Basil, our Norwich Terrier, wandered into the frame as I was exploring near-far. Leica M9 and Voigtländer 12mm lens.
Here’s in image from our garden in Warren, Connecticut:
Nikon D700
Hasselblad H3D 39 with 35 – 90mm lens.