Food and wine

Wednesday June 26, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent the morning working from home and getting myself sorted for our trip to Italy tomorrow. Photographically I used the quiet time to test my new Leica 50mm Summicron asph lens. We know that it’s very sharp at all f-stops shooting distant subjects. I confirmed that with some shots out my window which I haven’t posted because the difference doesn’t show up at web resolution. Around the apartment I shot a bunch of subjects close and wide open, test the character of the lens’s rendering of the out of focus background, the so-called “bokeh” of the lens. It turns out that the bokeh is neutral and rather pleasing (this is sometimes not the case with highly corrected lenses(. Here’s an example taken with my Leica M:
Best lens
Best lens

On this day last year:in the clouds in Switzerland.

Above Sils Maria
Above Sils Maria

Food and wine

Monday June 10, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Wine dinner tonight with some college classmates and other friends. Photographed with my Leica Monochrom and Dual Range Summicron lens. The cab ride (on a horrible night) to the dinner; some participants; and the wines.
Ride to wine event
Ride to wine event
Wine dinner
Wine dinner
The wines
The wines

On this day last year: Pizza from our Big Green Egg. Showing off my mastery of this item.


Family and friends Food and wine

Tuesday November 23, 2010

click for more

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We had dinner with our friends Kimball and Patrizia Chen. I’m using my Panasonic GF1 now in situations where the light permits. Here’s Kimball declaiming on a bottle of Gaja Barbaresco (I think a 1997).

Kimball Chen

On this date last year: Guggenheim Museum, New York.

This is one of several not very successful images of this iconic Frank Lloyd Wright building that I’ve attempted over the past year.

The Guggenheim Museum, Manhattan

Events and holidays Food and wine

Tuesday May 18, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A Commanderie de Bordeaux dinner at the Knickerbocker Club.  Wines included the 1982, 1989 and 1990 vintages of Château Mouton Rothschild and Château Lafite Rothschild, as well as the 1983 Mouton:
1983 Ch. Mouton Rothschild

Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron.

Events and holidays Family and friends Food and wine Interior

Wednesday April 28, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I attended a wine dinner with a dozen or so friends.  We sampled a half dozen vintages of Château Pichon Longueville Baron, a so-called super second.  One of our guests was Jean-Rene Matignon, the winemaker at Pichon Baron.
Pichon Baron dinner

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