
Saturday March 9, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – More winter here. This presents a difficulty: I’m running out of things to say about winter. I need a change.

Day 3432 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Been there, done that

On this date seven years ago (day 875): It’s a tree.

It’s a tree


Friday March 8, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Well it’s still winter here. A gallery of winter images shot with my Sony A7riii and the 24-70 zoom lens that I’ve been carrying lately.

Day 3431 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Its still winter!
Its still winter!
Its still winter!
Its still winter!

On this date five years ago (day 1605 of one photo every day): Palm Beach.

Palm Beach

Landscape Out my window Urban

Sunday March 3, 2019

MANHATTAN – We drove back from Connecticut today in poor weather. It’s still winter. This out my window with a long lens later in the evening.

Day 3426 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Bad weather

On this date nine years ago (day 139 of one photo every day): Salton Sea California.

Former mech factory


Saturday March 2, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I’m totally bored with winter. We’re under a cover of permanent snow and ice here. I spent an hour shooting tire tracks in the snow.

Day 3425 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Tire Mark
Tire Mark

On this date 9 years ago (day 138 of one photo every day): Joshua Tree National Park.

Joshua Tree National Park

Landscape Urban

Monday February 25, 2019

MANHATTAN – I’ve been experimenting for the last few days with simplifying my equipment. I’m carrying my Sony a7riii with one lens, the Sony GM 24-70 f2.8 zoom.

I generally don’t like zooms, they suffer from image quality issues relative to prime lenses, and they tend to be bulky. This lens is indeed bulky but it’s easier to manage than three primes and it covers the focal lengths that I use on a daily basis. Also if I want tighter than 70mm the camera’s 42 meg sensor facilitate cropping in a pinch, and for wider than 24 I can stitch frames (which I do all the time).

It turns out that this lens performs well corner to corner by f4.0 at focal lengths 35-70mm and at 50 to 70mm is actually fine wide open (“fine” is high praise from me). It’s very good corner to corner at 28mm but much less so at 24mm, so a decent strategy is to limit wides to 35mm and stitch. I’ve been torturing it with back lit situations and shooting bokeh oriented images – it’s actually excellent to my eyes in both respects. So I’ll keep going with it for a while to further understand its quirks in actual use. The images below are both at 24mm.

Day 3420 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Fifth Avenue
Knickerbocker Club

On this date nine years ago (day 133 of one photo every day): Times Square at night.

Times Square


Sunday February 24, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Here’s a look up into the winter sky. Four frames stitched. This image has been manipulated a bit some I’m also posting an un-manipulated selfie.

Day 3419 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren CT Looking Up

On this date last year (day 3054 of one photo every day): Varanasi (Benares).

Varanasi (Benares)

Architecture Icon Landscape

Wednesday February 20, 2019

MANHATTAN – Remarkably bad weather today; wind-driven slush falling from the sky. This is pneumonia weather.

Day 3415 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Bad Weather

On this date seven years ago (day 858 of one photo every day): Bocca Grande.

Boca Grande

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