WARREN CONNECTICUT – You’ve heard me complain about April in Warren. Here is more dirty snow.
Day 2004 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
More dirty snow
On this day last year (day 1,638): Back Gate. As I’ve edited images from the past ten years this one has stood out as a favorite. No big deal. I was just their at a good moment with a camera.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – In most of the Northern Hemisphere April is a sensational month. Think Spring full on in Hyde Park, London. But not in rural New England. This is the muddy month. The month of dirty snow as banks and drifts melt, concentrating whatever besides snow is there. Here you go with two images, as always taken with my Leica Monochrom.
Day 2003 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.
NEW YORK NEW YOUR – Visually it’s a relief to be back here. I spent the day reveling in mundane New York details. But of course this isn’t a tropical paradise, and winter temperatures continue. I had trouble selecting the best image today so I’m posting four, with apologies for stressing your bandwidth.
Day 1,991 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.
HydrantBrick ChurchOut my windowVacant lot
On this day five years ago (day 165): Emmet Gowan. A photograph of Gowan’s daughter, Nancy, in Danville. I posted this picture as March 28, 2010 but according to the file’s exif data it’s actually March 29. The camera date could have been wrong – I’m not certain. As this project has developed I’ve become more careful about setting the camera to the correct date and time because with 60,000 or so images so far in this project it’s hopeless to keep track of dates if the exif data in the files isn’t correct.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Our last day here before departing for Antigua for some relief from bad weather. Speaking of bad weather, here it is almost the last week in March and we’ve suffered another bout of snow. Still shooting with my Leica Monochrome but the courtyard image is 8 frames taken with my Leica T and a long lens and stitched.
Day 1,982 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
LYME ROCK CONNECTICTUT – I stopped here in terrible weather to take some pictures on our way to dinner in Sheffield Massachusetts. Don’t the weather gods know that it’s the middle of March? I had trouble editing these so I’m including three images from today.
Day 1,976 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.
StormMore stormEven more storm
On this day four years ago (day 515): Bloomberg building. Converted from the color image that I showed four years ago.