
Sunday March 8, 2015

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another snow covered day, but at least today we have some sunlight.

Day 1,970 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Did I mention the snow?
Did I mention the snow?
Did I mention the snow?
Did I mention the snow?
Did I mention the snow?
Did I mention the snow?

On this day four years ago (day 509): Weston. A Cole Weston print. One of my favorite images. Question: How did Clarice get into this position without leaving any marks in the sand? Original posted in color. As usual the black and white image is stronger.



Saturday March 7, 2015

WARREN CONNECTICUT – March is a really disappointing month here. The vernal equinox, the first day of Spring, happens in March, but Spring is nowhere to be found here. Three frames stitched, taken with my Leica Monochrom and “Luxochron” lens.

Day 1,969 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

March disappoints
March disappoints

On this day five years ago (day 143): Cholla captured at Joshua Tree National Park. This image was originally posted in color – back when I was shooting Hasselblad medium format. It’s much stronger converted to grayscale, which illustrates that I really do imagine in black and white.


Landscape Urban

Thursday March 5, 2015

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Oddly, yesterday’s image of Papaya King was popular on Twitter. No accounting for taste. Maybe it just seems mundane to me as a result of familiarity. Another similar image today – when the city is covered with snow recycling gets backed up.

Day 1,967 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.


On this day last year (day 1,602): Dive. Return from a dive in Turks.

Maria takes a dive
Maria takes a dive

Landscape Urban

Wednesday March 4, 2015

NEW YORK NEW YORK – OK, OK. Ive shot the Papaya King in East 86th Street before. And does it really make sense in black and white given that we’re missing the egg-yolk yellow color. Here it is in any event. And another pinhole image from a year ago. Not every day in the photo-a-day world is equal.

Day 1,966 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Papaya King
Papaya King

On this day last year (day 1,601): Another pinhole. Also converted to black and white for this year’s posting.

Another pinhole
Another pinhole

Landscape Urban

Tuesday March 3, 2015

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I walked from my office to the Metropolitan Opera this evening in light rain. The city looks great when its cold, dark and wet.

Day 1,965 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Columbus Circle
Columbus Circle
432 Park
432 Park

On this day last year (day 1,600): Beach. Pinhole image. In color last year.



Sunday March 1, 2015

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Winter fatigue is fully evident here. Will the snow ever go away? As usual, taken with my Leica Monochrom camera and a 50mm lens – in this case three frames stitched.

Day 1,963 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.


On this day four years ago (day 502): Grid. The view from the cafeteria at Dewey, a now defunct law firm. As originally posted this image was in muted color; I’ve since converted it to black and white.


Interior Landscape

Saturday February 28, 2015

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Winter continues unabated here, with a remarkable amount of snow. It’s also cold so I started the day shooting inside. Finally venturing out for groceries late in the day I captured a few landscapes.

Day 1,962 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.


On this day last year (day 1,597): Cable.


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