Landscape Urban

Friday February 21, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – The weather is getting to me. A blah image on Park Avenue.

Day 1,590 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.

Park Avenue
Park Avenue

On this day four years ago: Walpack Arts Center. An odd, tiny building photographed in infrared.

Walpack New Jersey
Walpack New Jersey

Animals Street Urban

Wednesday February 19, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More dirty snow taken with my infrared camera. This time there are some flying rats in the picture, working their way through the debris. Not my best photograph every.

Day 1,588 in my series of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.

Flying rats
Flying rats

On this day four years ago: Pinhole image.


Landscape Urban

Tuesday February 18, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – You’ve heard of dirty dancing and dirty weekends. Well this is the dreaded time of dirty snow. The streets in New York aren’t cleaned when there is heavy snow so as the snow melts the debris deposited as the snow accumulated ends up on the surface. Ugly. I shot dirty snow today because it’s pervasive. There wasn’t much else to look at. Shot with my infrared camera.

Day 1,587 of one a daily picture for the rest of my life.

Dirty snow
Dirty snow
Dirty Snow
Dirty Snow

On this day four years ago: Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial. Once again I look back at an infrared images of Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, which always moves me.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial


Sunday February 16, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – So I’ve got the same “the dog ate my homework” story as yesterday, but these images look pretty good so I probably won’t have to do further edits. There is, you might say, a fair amount of snow here. My friend, John Novogrod, and I snowshoed out of our back door for a few miles each way in 36 inches of fresh snow. No trails. No snowmobile tracks. A major workout. [I actually did have a further edit adding the first image below.]

Day 1,585 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.

Drifts in Warren
Drifts in Warren
Our garden
Our garden

On this day four years ago: Madison Square at night.

Madison Square and the Shake Shack
Madison Square and the Shake Shack


Saturday February 15, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I’m writing this in New York where we live most of the time. The images from February 15 and 16 were taken in Connecticut where we have a weekend house. I edited the February 15 and 16 images in Connecticut and somehow only brought a portion of them back to New York. This may not be the best image of the day. I’ll be back in Connecticut next weekend and will update this post if I find something better. This photo-a-day thing is very demanding in terms of having a set and consistent workflow. I’ve edited this entry to include the first two images below. I was separated from these files when I first prepared this post.

Day 1,584 of one picture a day for the rest of my life.


On this day four years ago: Field in Warren Connecticut.

Warren sunrise
Warren sunrise

Landscape Urban

Thursday February 13, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Well this certainly has been . . . winter. Winters are quite variable here. This one has been tough – one major storm after another. We’re not giving up and moving to Costa Rica yet, but the challenges of moving around in a large city in appalling weather kind of wear on you. This is shooting up Lexington Avenue in a blizzard, and looking West from our offices.

Day 1,582 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.


On this day two years ago: Big Girl.

Big Girl
Big Girl


Sunday February 9, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We took advantage of the snow that fell over night to strap on our snowshoes and wander out across the New England landscape, generally following snowmobile tracks. There was lovely soft light and windblown snow. As you can see from last year’s image snowshoeing isn’t an uncommon pastime here this time of year.

Day 1,578 of my daily photo blog. Without a miss.


On this day last year: Snow in Warren.


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