
Saturday February 8, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We returned to Connecticut after our week in Antigua (and a day in New York) to find 30 inches or so of snow – much of it piled in much deeper drifts.

This is day 1,577 of my ongoing project: One photograph a day for the rest of my life.


On this day four years ago: Racquet Club in infrared.

Racquet and Tennis Club
Racquet and Tennis Club

Landscape Urban

Friday February 7, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I walked to the office this morning with my Leica M and a 50mm Summicron Asp. lens. I work more in black and white than color. Surveying my posts for the past four plus years about two thirds have been black and white. Of course shooting with a camera with color capability I can always convert to black and white which I’ve done with three of the four images below. The first is three frames stitched and perspective corrected in Photoshop.

This is day 1,576 of my one photograph a day for the rest of my life effort.

Dutch revival
Dutch revival
Look up
Look up
Post office in good light
Post office in good light

On this day two years ago: Lipstick. Same site as the image immediately above but three hours earlier and from the opposite direction (this view is looking South).


Landscape Urban

Wednesday January 29, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Cold and clear today. Icy. Here’s the Union Club on Park Avenue and steam venting into the very cold air. I didn’t recognize this image in my first pass editing the day’s work. I came back to it in desperation, but it came out quite well. It’s the image that I was looking for shooting steam vents.

Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summilux.

This is my 1,567th day of my daily photo blog.

Union Club
Union Club

On this day one year ago: Basil Charles.

Basil Charles OBE
Basil Charles OBE


Saturday January 25, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Forgive me. I went out on snowshoes to photograph today but it was cold. Really cold. My fingers were sufficiently cold despite my gloves that I couldn’t really operate Leica Monochrom. I came back after 20 minutes or so and only got a few images. Here we go with two frames stitched.

Day 1,563 of my daily photo blog.


On this day two years ago: Magic light in Naples Florida.

Magic light trumps banal subject
Magic light trumps banal subject


Sunday January 12, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Visually it was one of those days. It was generally cloudy, but with occasional breaks that illuminated small parts of the landscape brilliantly. There were many opportunities for good images but they were fleeting, gone in 30 seconds or less. I missed a few but finally had my Leica S2 at hand (with a 70mm lens) when sunlight struck.

Day 1,550 in my one picture every day project.

The sun breaks through
The sun breaks through

On this day two years ago: Lexington Avenue. Colorized infrared.

IR on Lexington
IR on Lexington


Saturday January 11, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I made foggy day images today. I’ve done this before but that’s only because we have a lot of foggy days here. These are taken with my Leica S2 medium format camera with a 70mm lens. Three frames stitched in Photoshop.

Day 1,548 of this ongoing project to take one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Trees, Warren
Trees, Warren

On this day one year ago: grim. Another poor day.


Family and friends

Sunday December 29, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We’ve been here almost two weeks – this is the longest that we’ve actually stayed in Warren in one stretch. We had large ambitions but a bad cold has laid Maria low, which is disheartening because she’s never sick. Our friend Leigh Butler paid us a visit. Here she is hiding from the me and my camera.

On this day last year: Litchfield. Taken with my Monochrom and 1958 Dual Range Summicron, three frames stitched.


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