
Friday February 8, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We drove up here last night ahead of a predicted blizzard, hoping to get snowed in for the weekend. On the first day of the storm high winds, light snow and dull light. Blah. Not much going on. And it’s cold. Taken with my medium format Leica S camera and 35mm lens.

On this day last year: Steve.

Steve Rubin
Steve Rubin


Saturday January 19, 2013

LITCHFIELD CONNECTICUT – Still working with my Leica Monochrom and an 80 year old Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar lens, which produces a lovely “glow”. I’ve shot this church many times in this is one of my favorites. Three frames stitched in Photoshop.
Litchfield Church
Litchfield Church

On of many war memorials on the Litchfield green.

Korea Memorial
Korea Memorial

On this day one year ago: Williamsburg.



Tuesday January 15, 2013

DALLAS TEXAS – Here on business. It snowed last night and is a lot colder than New York, which took me by surprise. This is out the window of the building that we’re meeting in – three frames taken with my iPhone and stitched in Photoshop. We had dinner at Cowboys Stadium – an iPhone images from there.
iPhone in Dallas
iPhone in Dallas
Dallas Cowboys Stadium
Dallas Cowboys Stadium

On this day one year ago: School buses in Morris CT.

School Buses, Morris CT
School Buses, Morris CT

Landscape Urban

Monday January 14, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Egads, more fog. Will this ever end? Taken with my Leica S medium format camera out our living room window.
Fog again
Fog again

On this day last year: Belgique.



Sunday January 13, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – More moody. This is one of my favorites of the year so for. I was driving along a local road; spotted the image; stopped and shot it with what was at hand (my Leica Monochrom and 21mm Super Elmar lens). Perspective was corrected in Lightroom.
Even more fog
Even more fog

On this day last year: Friday the 13th.

Driving to Connecticut
Driving to Connecticut


Saturday January 12, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another foggy day. This seems to be going on forever. Here I am talking about the weather, but remember that my photographic interests tend towards landscape and the weather really does play an important role out here. At least in Connecticut I can do moody, which is greatly in evidence. Here are two images with my new Leica S – the first with my 35mm Summarit lens and the second three frames stitched with my 120mm Maco lens. The files are big. My aging Apple desktop tower is straining under the load.
More fog
More fog

On this day one year ago: Colorized infra red.

IR on Lexington
IR on Lexington

Landscape Out my window Urban

Friday January 11, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’m looking for some of those winter days with lovely brilliant light to give my new Leica S medium format camera a chance to shine. No luck. More freezing rain and fog. So I put it on a tripod and shot out our window, here with a 120mm macro lens.

On this day last year: Staples. January 11 is clearly another undistinguished date on my calendar.

Buying paper
Buying paper

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