-Woody's Picks Landscape Urban

Friday February 26, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A second day of heavy, wet snow.  Accumulation in Central Park is 18 inches.

Central Park at 90th Street

-Woody's Picks Landscape Urban

Thursday February 25, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We had a major storm in the Northeast today. This is in Madison park after a diner featuring Greyledge Farm grass fed black angus at the James Beard House.

Madison Square

Landscape Urban

Wednesday February 10, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – The long-awaited blizzard arrived this afternoon.  The snowfall was very heavy but it was warm enough in Manhattan that it quickly turned to slush – there was not a lot of accumulation.

Madison Avenue

Infrared Landscape Out my window

Sunday January 31, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – From this morning’s walk.  Shot in infrared.  I mistakenly deleted the file that I originally posted.  When I went to upload it again I had second thoughts and posted a different image from the same walk.

Warren Connecticut

-Woody's Picks Infrared Landscape

Saturday January 30, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – After a snowfall.  This is shot in infrared and stitched from four separate exposures.

Warren, after a snowfall


Sunday December 6, 2009

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Sunrise after the storm.

Sunrise Litchfield County
Sunrise Litchfield County


Saturday December 5, 2009

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – We’re having our first snow storm of the season.  We’re on a high point, a few hundred feet above Lake Waramaug.  The difference in elevation is enough that we have much more snow over the winter season than the lake.  There are many, many more churches to photograph in Litchfield County but I felt that I should give you a break.

Snowstorm Litchfield County
Snowstorm Litchfield County

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