NEW YORK NEW YORK – This is an embarrassment. Too many images. I put the lovely little Leica 35mm Summicron (current version) on my camera today and went out to upper Fifth Avenue in excellent late afternoon light. It was one of those days where everywhere I pointed my camera there was something of interest (at least to me). I ended up with a bunch of full frontal images of buildings, generally made up of multiple images stitched, and some park images. You might ask why I didn’t edit the images down a bit. Well I actually have. thanks for your patience in working through this maze of stuff.
Day 1,912 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

On this day two years ago (day 1,182): Sunnylands. A pilgrimage to this mid-century icon in Palm Desert.

112 replies on “Friday January 9, 2015”
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That has inspired me to do the same ! Fantastic. Pictures
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As a passionate but former Leica fan, I think your images are sensational. It’s not the Summicron, it’s the eye behind it. Keep shooting!
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