Landscape Street Urban

Saturday August 13, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Alexander’s fiance had her wedding shower today, so he and his future father in law and I went to lunch together. We went to The Red Rooster, Marcus Samuelsson’s restaurant in Harlem. Here’s what The Red Rooster’s website says about itself:

We named our restaurant after the legendary Harlem speakeasy that was located at 138th Street and 7th Avenue, where neighborhood folk, jazz greats, authors, politicians and some of the most noteworthy figures of the 20th Century – such as Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Nat King Cole and James Baldwin – would converge . . .

After lunch we walked down Lenox Avenue to Central Park, me carrying my Alpa TC, Phase One IQ 180 back and a 47mm Schneider XL lens.

This is not 1975:

Black Muslims on Lenox Avenue
Black Muslims on Lenox Avenue
Grandma's Place
Grandma's Place
The Blood of Jesus
The Blood of Jesus

The self-same Lenox Lounge referred to on the Red Rooster’s site. Note the patched bullet holes in the facade.

Lenox Lounge
Lenox Lounge

And finally, a Mostly Mozart concert in Avery Fisher Hall. Take with my Blackberry.

Mostly Mozart
Mostly Mozart

On this day one year ago: A boring out my window. The photo-a-day guy was under real pressure here.

Out my window

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