COPENHAGEN – Another dullish day. I went to Tivoli but found it less charming than I remembered, a bit tawdry actually. I’m sure that there’s a lot to photograph here but I’m not finding it. In my wanderings to and from I ended up taking a solo person and a colonnade, topics that I’ve covered endlessly for as long as I’ve been shooting (starting with my grand tour of Europe in the 1970s and most recently here yesterday and in Paris two days ago). I was in Tivoli then then so maybe the association triggered these images in the style of À la recherche du temps perdu. With my Leica Monocrom and 50mm Summicron Asph., three frames stitched in the case of the solo man.
Lone personSeen this before
On this day one year ago: Subway stairs shot with my Noctilux and ND filter.