-Woody's Picks Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday August 20, 2013

PARIS – A day of tourism. All shot with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summichron Asph. lens. I’ve edited post to add three more images to an already overburdened day, three images taken with my iPhone as Bob and I sampled a very, very good burger at Paris New York, an excellent burger joint (really) in Strasbourg-St Denis (a changing neighborhood in Paris that’s still mid-cycle).
Street sign I
Street sign I
Street sign II
Street sign II
The Tiepolo didn't quite fit
The Tiepolo didn’t quite fit
View from on high
View from on high
La Madeleine
La Madeleine
Paris New York
Paris New York
Paris New York
Paris New York
Paris New York
Paris New York

On this day last year: Test. Testing focus on my then “new” Leica M4 (film!):


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