Interior Landscape Urban Work

Thursday November 15, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Walking through the reception area in our offices I spotted a lovely composition made by the sun and shadows on a piece of art and furniture. I ran for my camera, took a couple of shots studying the composition and called it my image for the day. One of the better images recently, so I guess it is possible to get into the moment when I’m busy if there is actually something to see. When I uploaded the images to process them I was surprised to find that a random exposure that I took in the morning just to see if the camera was working was actually kind of interesting. This is in the category of “purse art” – images taken at random the way a mobile phone sometimes dials from a purse – that I have explored before. Both images with my 1958 dual range summicron (a completely charming lens) and my Leica Monochrom.

On this date last year: Photo object.

Photo object
Photo object

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