Landscape Urban

Thursday January 23, 2014

SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA – I drove back here early – the sky was poor for landscape so I decided to spend the day walking San Francisco. Here is a mini-gallery of images with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm standard lens. Sorry about the number of images. Editing is difficult without the passage of a bit more time, which provides perspective. Many of the images are stitches; the first is actually composed of 10 separate exposures.

I lived in San Francisco for a year back in the day. It’s changed surprisingly little. South of Market has gentrified a bit but the tenderloin has moved north to the area behind the St. Francis Hotel and appears to be more robust than ever.

Day 1,561 in an unbroken string of at least one photo every day.

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco

On this day last year: The Diner.

14th Street
14th Street
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