Landscape Urban

Tuesday August 14, 2018

LONG ISLAND CITY NEW YORK – I spent a good part of the day in Long Island City, the area in Queens just across from Randalls Island, shooting around the Pepsi sign. I was there seven or eight years ago when the area was a garbage strewn tidal mudflat. Now it’s a lovely waterfront park with luxury high rises with commanding views of Manhattan. All taken with my Sony A7riii.

Day 3225 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Gantry Plaza State Park
432 Park Avenue

Just another Manhattan skyline but I’ve been shooting 432 Park Avenue (the needle building in the center of the image) whenever I see it.

Pepsi sign

We’ll here you have it: color! I wasn’t able to make this image work in black and white – the grays all merged – and I like the angle so I’ve departed from my B&W only policy, for the first time in years.

Pepsi sign
Long Island City
Long Island City
Long Island City diner

On this date four years ago (day 1764 of one photo every day): Mallorca


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