NEW YORK NEW YORK – My one-photograph-every-day project is heavily weighted toward landscape and cityscape. Each season presents challenges to the landscape photographer. The problem with Spring in New York is that after the dirty snow drift month of February and March, the lavishly flowering parks here have an irresistible attraction. But as I review the work of other photographers I know that pictures of flowers generate little or no interest. I should add an “no flowers” rule to my “no pets” and “no cute kids” rules.
I shoot some floral duds in the Spring. This year I’m trying to circumvent the problem by shooting wide open with neutral density filter to at least separate out backgrounds. I’m cycling though all of the 50mm lenses that I own to sort out (again) what their out of focus images look like (the quality that is referred to as “bokeh”), Today the 50mm APO-Summicron is up – the lens that I refer to as the Luxocron.
Day 2,736 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
On this day two years ago (day 2,006): Connecticut backlit.