Abstract Urban

Wednesday November 6, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Kind of a cool abstract visual, obviously on Lexington Avenue, taken with my little Sony. It took six or seven tries to get it to line up correctly.
avenue between
avenue between

On this day one year ago: Election day 2012. So last year’s images was a shot of the TV with the news that Obama had won a second term. Who admits now to voting for him? The truth is that I did. The symbolism of his Presidency is important, but in fact this has turned out to be a seriously crappy administration, the worst in my lifetime. My sources deeply inside the beltway tell me that the President has become totally isolated, no one actually knows who is in his inner circle at this point, and he is effectively a lame duck. This has been a very long year, and there are three more to go. What a disaster. Here you go:

Obama wins
Obama wins

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